Mercredi 26 juin 2024, 16h00Passat
Junh 2024
Dimècres 26
16:00 - 17:30

Auditorium Pasteur

Centre de Congrès de Lyon
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Unifying French and European research on tangible heritage

Round table organized by The Foundation for Cultural Heritage Science
Mercredi 26 juin 2024, 16h00Passat

The Foundation for Cultural Heritage Science gathers academic researchers and heritage professionals around research projects on tangible heritage. This round table illustrates the interest and necessity to federate human and technical resources in this area of research, at different scales. The following topics will be dealt with: interdisciplinarity; dialogue between universities, heritage institutions and research laboratories specializing on the study and conservation of cultural property; instrumentation development; data processing and sharing. The participants will also talk about the strategic importance of international collaborations, such as the European Research Infrastructure Heritage Science (ERIHS) and the project ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science).

Anne-Julie ETTER (Paris, France), Pascal LIÉVAUX (Paris, France), Isabelle PALLOT-FROSSARD, Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (Paris, France), Romain THOMAS, University Paris Nanterre ; Institut national d'histoire de l'art (Paris, France), Vania VIRGILI, Italian National Research Council (Florence, Italy), Jean-Marc VALLET, Centre Interdisciplinaire de conservation et de restauration du patrimoine (Marseille, France)
Event Type
Table ronde

À propos du lieu

Auditorium Pasteur
Centre de Congrès de Lyon
  • Métropole de Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes