Dimanche 3 juin 2018, 16h00Passé
Juin 2018
Dimanche 3
16:00 - 17:30
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap auditifHandicap visuelHandicap psychiqueHandicap moteur
De 10 à 90 ans

Show Performance

Show "The headland of dream" presented after the visit of the park. Text of Victor Hugo, adapted and the staged by Philippe Berling and Ivan Dmitrieff
Dimanche 3 juin 2018, 16h00Passé
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap auditifHandicap visuelHandicap psychiqueHandicap moteur

"The Headland of dream" is a text misread(underestimated) by Victor Hugo, kind of philosophico-poetic and vibrating obvious tale for dream and freedom, adapted and the staged by Philippe Berling and Ivan Dmitrieff. These two artists invite us slowly, in the course of the marvellous language(tongue) of Victor Hugo, in an almost mystical experience(experiment) lived by shadows and by lights.

The costumes, imagined by Nathalie Prats, made the only actor a kind of a bit crazy magus, in the lunar dress badly contained in the firm folds of its black fitted coat. A real pleasure for the poets, the children, and all those who dream, or to dream.

The show will take place at the end of the visit of the park of the abbey https://openagenda.com / rdvj-2018-grand-est / events / parc-de-l-abbaye-de-septfontaines-fontaines-et-theatre

Refreshments and small restoration(catering) between both events, time(weather) during which I. Dmitrieff will dedicate the last work of poetries "Celebration".

Show organised by the Friends of the abbey in partnership with the abbey of Septfontaines. To know more:

Type d'événement
Aucune sélection
Thème 2018
Aucune sélection
Condition de participation
Aucune sélection
Aucune sélection

À propos du lieu

Abbaye de Septfontaines
Abbaye de Septfontaines, 52700 Andelot-Blancheville, Haute-Marne, Grand Est
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
This old(former) ecclesiastical domain of prémontré order keeps(preserves) the most part of its conventual buildings(ships) rebuilt in the XVIIIth century s. The main courtyard, regular sequencing of which(order to pay of which) is underlined of a fine border of boxwood, is adorned in its centre of a fountain the XIXth century s. with which gushing waters splash the pond cheerfully. The sobriety of facades becomes milder of bouquets of old(former) roses. In the back and on the side of the main wing, a room(part,play) of water with its island and its small romantic bridge(deck) pours by a waterfall(stunt) of rocks in the stream which crosses property. In the secret corners of the old(former) park, become again a large meadow, hide some statues and mossy rocks.
Jardin privé, Monument historique & Jardin vivrier (potager, verger, jardins familiaux, jardin de simples...)
Parking lot in front of the abbey
R. de Selva