Jeudi 18 novembre 2021, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien
Novembre 2021
Jeudi 18
12:15 - 13:45

Faculté des Sciences Economiques

place Hoche
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

“The effects of circumstances on long-term income opportunities: Re-examining evidence from the baby-boomers generation in Sweden"

[Séminaire CREM] Présentation de Hélène Le Forner, Université de Rennes 1 - CREM
Jeudi 18 novembre 2021, 12h15Passé
Salle de Robien

This paper provides a new approach to the empirical estimation of inequality of opportunity (IOP). Previous studies usually conclude that, in most countries, unfair inequality, arising from circumstances outside the realm of individual control, represent a small share of total income inequality. This result is largely driven by observational constraints that hamper the full observability of relevant circumstances and lead to lower-bound estimates. This also stands at odds with estimates of intergenerational and siblings correlation, which indicate a strong influence of differences in family background on individual success. This paper bridges the gap between these different approaches and relies on family and municipality fixed-effect models to account for shared unobservable circumstances alongside a rich set of individual characteristics. We apply this methodology to the estimation of IOP in Sweden. Our results point to a larger share of IOP than previously estimated and reaching up to 46% of observed income inequality.

recherche, séminaire, économie
Type d'événement
Réservé à la communauté universitaire
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Faculté des Sciences Economiques
place Hoche
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne