Vendredi 10 juin 2022, 13h00Passé
Juin 2022
Vendredi 10
13:00 - 14:00

Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes (OSUR)

Campus de Beaulieu, Bâtiment 14B, Salle de conférence
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

Séminaire ECOBIO - Joey ALLEN (Ecobio)

Biotic interactions shape the effect of combined stressors on shallow aquatic ecosystems
Vendredi 10 juin 2022, 13h00Passé

Organisms living in aquatic ecosystems such as shallow lakes are generally affected by multiple anthropogenic stressors such as pesticides and nitrate input from agricultural runoff or increase in temperature due to global warming. While organisms are affected directly by the stressors, they are also affected indirectly through biotic interactions. I will present the results of a series of experiments designed to understand the direct and indirect impacts of multiple stressors on shallow aquatic ecosystems.

Type d'événement
Réservé à la communauté universitaire
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes (OSUR)
Campus de Beaulieu, Bâtiment 14B, Salle de conférence
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne