31 mai - 2 juinPassé
Free entry
Mai 2024
Vendredi 31
10:00 - 18:00
Juin 2024
Samedi 1
10:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 2
10:00 - 18:00

Gödöllői Királyi Kastély

2100 Gödöllő, Ady Endre sétány

Kinghill Pavilion visit

The only surviving Baroque building in the park is about 200 meters from the castle. The hexagonal pavilion was built by Antal Grassalkovich I. in the 1760s. The 54 oil paintings placed on the wooden…
31 mai - 2 juinPassé
Free entry
©Royal Palace of Gödöllő

The only surviving Baroque building in the park is about 200 meters from the castle. The hexagonal pavilion was built by Antal Grassalkovich I. in the 1760s. The 54 oil paintings placed on the wooden panels of the pavilion depicted the Hungarian leaders and kings. Most of the pictures were destroyed, disappeared, and in the 1980s only the bare walls of the pavilion remained. The building was renovated in 2002. The series of pictures was reproduced with photographic equipment in 2004.

Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thème 2024
Aucune sélection
J’accepte que l’image puisse être librement utilisée, à la condition de l'attribuer à l'auteur en citant son nom, et partagée dans les mêmes conditions.
Conditions de participation
Type de public
Tout public

À propos du lieu

Gödöllői Királyi Kastély
2100 Gödöllő, Ady Endre sétány