33rd Festival d'ailleurs and...
33rd Festival! From 4 to 30 March... Four weeks of Theatre!
4 - 30 mars
09 64 12 87 32 letheatredacote@wanadoo.frS'inscrire / Réserver: http://helloasso.com/associations/theatre-d-a-coteS'inscrire / Réserver: http://www.letheatredacote.netAménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur
Regards/Fred Ruffin
The Theatre next door will play and welcome in this beautiful place, so friendly, that is the Grange de la Ferme Dupire twelve other companies (18 performances) for creations, shows (including children’s) on tour, amateurs and professionals.
Different registers, contemporary authors, classics for everyone to find their happiness!
A very accessible price policy, a theatre for all!