Bicycle fest

A vintage bike market, vintage bike rides, a workshop for building musical instruments from discarded bike parts, cycle repairs and a village of scooters are just some of the activities on offer.
Play at your own pace
With a bus transformed into a mobile workshop, musicians meet with the public to create musical instruments from recycled materials. As part of the Fête du vélo, you'll be able to create your own instrument from dismantled and cleaned old bike parts, and take them home with you.
Morning: 10am-12pm, with an orchestration at the end of the workshop using the instruments you've built.
Afternoon: 3pm-5pm, with an orchestration at the end of the workshop using the instruments you've built.
On-site registration
Pro vélo Genève
Vintage bike market (more information here)
Véloshaker (calf-powered fruit juice)
Patch contest (who can repair their inner tube the fastest)
Agility contest (balance at a standstill)
Information and awareness booth
Véloshaker (calf-powered fruit juice)
Patch contest (who can repair their inner tube the fastest)
Agility contest (balance at a standstill)
Information and awareness booth
Pro Vélo is a partner of the fête du vélo, and on Saturday, in addition to a large vintage bike market, will be offering a variety of bicycle-related workshops and challenges: patch gluing and balance competitions, as well as an information and bike repair booth.
On-site workshop registration
Cinema tricycle
On Saturday evening, Pré en Bulles will be bringing its "cinémobile" tricycle for a cinema session for all audiences. After a number of short films for children, the film "Le moment des forces" by Geneva-born Constance Brosse will be screened in the presence of the director.
Starts at dusk
About the film:
Le moment des forces, 2020
Running time: 32 minutes
A bicycle self-repair workshop in Lyon plays host to the À vélo Simone collective, which organizes bike mechanic training courses by and for women, trans and non-binary people. Over the course of a day, we follow a path of learning, exchange, mutual support and discovery in a group that forms an ephemeral collective. All are here to reinforce and empower each other, to find tools for collective and individual emancipation, and to appropriate knowledge traditionally handed down to men.
Come and compete with your friends on a Goldsprint bike, trying to be as fast as possible. There are lots of prizes to be won!
All weekend long, prizes awarded at 5pm.
Come and try your hand at vintage 1920 to 1990 bicycles and tandems. David Lancosme from Atelier Recycle will guide you around Geneva with the elegant, timeless simplicity of these old machines.
Stand presence all weekend
Saturday and Sunday: Presentation and test ride of vintage bikes at the stand.
Sunday: City tour
Departure: 13:00 pm from Musée Rath, Place neuve 1204 Geneva
Finish: 3:30 p.m. Fête du vélo Parc des Bastions 1205 Geneva
Refreshments on arrival
approx. 20 km
Registration only: expovelorath.mhn[at]ville-ge[dot]ch
Number of participants limited to 15
The Boscardin challenge
A bike agility course will be available on both days. Led by instructors from the Fondation Boscardin, it's an opportunity for everyone to increase their self-confidence and safety on two wheels, while having fun at the same time.
Continuous throughout the weekend
On-site registration
Villade de triporteurs
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Three-wheelers from the Pré en Bulle association will offer circus workshops, games, a velomobile workshop and drinks...