2 juin 2023 - 7 janvier 2024Passat
Genièr 2024
Diluns 1
11:00 - 18:00
Dimars 2
11:00 - 18:00
Dimècres 3
11:00 - 18:00
Dijòus 4
11:00 - 18:00
Divendres 5
11:00 - 18:00
Dissabte 6
11:00 - 18:00
Dimenge 7
11:00 - 18:00

Musée des Beaux Arts

20 cours d'Albret, 33000 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Please touch - art and material

From 2 June 2023 to 7 January 2024, discover the exhibition "Prière de toucher - l'art et la matière" at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux.
2 juin 2023 - 7 janvier 2024Passat

Initiated by the Fabre Museum in Montpellier, this new collective and travelling exhibition presents reproductions of works from six Fine Arts museums (Montpellier, Lyon, Nantes, Lille, Rouen and Bordeaux), all members of FRAME - FRench American Museum Exchange, a network of cultural cooperation that links thirty-two major French and North American museums (United States and Canada).
Please touch! Art and Matter is a sensitive discovery of the human figure and the techniques and materials of sculpture from Antiquity to 20th century abstraction. Built around four modules, it allows us to understand the methodology of touch, to present various points of view on sculpture (curator, artist, etc.), to evoke the different stages in the making of a sculpture or to see with our body.
Techniques, materials, subjects, the work of art reveals itself in a different way and awakens our senses.

museum, art, bordeaux, culture, rock
Culture, à la une
Custom description
Pas d'intrada
Event of inter-municipal interest
Event of inter-municipal interest
Recurring Event
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Catégories Agenda Métropolitain
Important: je certifie détenir les droits nécessaires à la publication de l'image sous le régime de la licence ouverte
Pas d'intrada
Catégories Médiathèque
Pas cap seleccion
Categories of the city of Bordeaux
Pas cap seleccion
Pas d'intrada
Pas d'intrada

À propos du lieu

Musée des Beaux Arts
20 cours d'Albret, 33000 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine