10 - 14 septembre
Setembre 2025
Dimècres 10
14:00 - 23:59
Dijòus 11
14:00 - 23:59
Divendres 12
14:00 - 23:59
Dissabte 13
14:00 - 23:59
Dimenge 14
14:00 - 23:59

Darwin éco système

87 quai des Queyries 33100 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Climax Festival #10 Concerts, art & commitments

The Climax festival returns to Darwin from September 10 to 14. Come and celebrate life in a committed and reasoned way!
10 - 14 septembre

A committed festival

At a time when the world is holding its breath, between conflicts and hopes for peace, the 2024 edition of the Climax Festival will be a stopover in this quest, an exploration of paths towards global reconciliation. Thinkers, activists, artists, researchers and politicians will explore new ways of living together.
Climate upheavals and current wars bear witness to the global imbalance that is taking hold. At a time when our democracies and freedoms are under attack, talk of peace may seem incongruous. But neither global warming nor resource depletion will wait for conflicts to end.

Between ecology, peace and festivities

Climax offers a bold counterpoint. The quest for peace cannot be dissociated from the ecological echoes of our times. This 10th edition explores the links between ecology and peace, and invites us to rethink our relationship with nature between peoples.
These days of discussions, round tables, conferences, concerts and artistic performances will be a crossroads of ideas and experiences. Together, let's explore the roots of peace and forge links transcending borders for a common future.

climax, festival, bordeaux, darwin
Custom description
Pas d'intrada
Event of inter-municipal interest
Event of inter-municipal interest
Recurring Event
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Catégories Agenda Métropolitain
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Catégories Médiathèque
Pas cap seleccion
Categories of the city of Bordeaux
Pas d'intrada
Pas d'intrada

À propos du lieu

Darwin éco système
87 quai des Queyries 33100 Bordeaux
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine