Jardin Botanique de Gondremer
Jardin Botanique de Gondremer 88700 Autrey
The Botanical Garden of Gondremer specialises in heather, rhododendron, azalea and kalmia plants. It is also home to many other plants and trees (ericaceae, Japanese maples, magnolias, conifers, etc.). At this time of year, a large number of rhododendrons and azaleas are in bloom. The Kalmia, a rare shrub native to mountainous areas of North America, are also beginning to bloom their unique flowers.
The Gondremer Garden has been recognized as the National Collection for kalmia and botanical rhododendrons.
It is also a garden where the aesthetic concern is omnipresent, with its pond, its various basins and its discovery trails that offer a multitude of varied landscapes in the setting of the Vosges forest.
In this favorable environment, endemic wildlife has developed and colonizes trees and wetlands, including many birds, several varieties of frogs that sing out loud in June, and multicoloured dragonflies that prey on water lily flowers.
Jardin de collection (botanique, arboretum...)
Forest path - signposted route from Housseras