1 et 2 juinPassat
Junh 2024
Dissabte 1
14:00 - 18:30
Dimenge 2
14:00 - 18:00
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap motor

Les Jardins du Montperthuis

Manoir de la Pillardière, 61360 Chemilli
  • Orne
  • Normandie

Opening of the exhibition of the artist Malgorzata Paszko

Malgorzata Paszko was born in Warsaw in 1956.
1 et 2 juinPassat

Malgorzata Paszko was born in Warsaw in 1956. In 1975, Warsaw School of Fine Arts, then Paris School of Fine Arts. In 1979, at the age of 23, she was exhibited by the gallery Le dessin directed by Claire Burrus at FIAC. Many exhibitions took place afterwards; at the Camomille gallery and the Fred Lanzenberg gallery in Brussels, at the Koralewski gallery in Paris. Followed by other locations in France, Germany, Greece, Poland and Beirut by the gallery Mogabgab. In 1986-1987, the artist was a resident of the Villa Medici in Rome. In 1989 she won the Lacourière prize for all her gavures. Malgorzata Paszko is part of the revisited landscape movement. Each artist acquires what can be called the skin of his painting or his own texture. Malgorzata appropriated a technique that consists in using an unprepared canvas and a very diluted paint that crosses the support. And in doing so, the nature she describes is all the more moving, changing. The will is now to transcribe what is most important: light. The new works mark a new stage. Not that the artist would like to move away from what must be considered a certain figuration, but she takes a step back with regard to the subject. Whether it is distant landscapes or close-ups, it is light. The skies are vaporous, diaphanous, sometimes threatening. We evoke the light of the north that painters love. Landscapes, areas of heavy shade, foliage, undergrowth accentuate the play of shade and light. And, of course, everything related to water and reflections. Light split when the sky is reflected in the pond, so that this light eats the entire surface of the canvas.

Types of events
2024 Theme
The five senses in the garden
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions for participation
Usual fare
Type of audience
General public

À propos du lieu

Les Jardins du Montperthuis
Manoir de la Pillardière, 61360 Chemilli
  • Orne
  • Normandie
Gardens conceived(designed) in 2010 by the landscapist Philippe Dubreuil around a set(group) typically percheron in the course of restoration(catering), established(constituted) by a manor of XVÈ-XVIÈ century, by its long house, its manorial barn, stables and pigsties, bakehouse, oven with hemp and covered well. This garden articulates(is expressed) according to buildings(ships) and to their uses(practices), vegetable garden and protective orchard of apple trees old(former) percherons with cider and with knife near the common(shared), garden of simple medieval near the manor, embroidery of osmanthes and of grasses, collection of Cherry trees of ornament, of Oaks, of Lindens, of Hawthorns, of peonies, of hydrangeas. Rose garden of more than 300 varieties of old(former) roses. Path of Elms, ponds of kitchen garden, of ornament, rill and waterfall(stunt). Conservatory with collection of cacti and of citrus fruits. Surrounded with fields and lined with a river and with wood, the garden resumes(takes back) themes and main lines of the history(story) of gardens. The heart is compound(made up) of a source(spring) dividing into four arms such the garden of paradise and its four rivers, it is surrounded with arbours resuming(taking back) the plan of the medieval garden. A walk on different levels articulates(is expressed) around the definite(formal) garden as though we were in a cloister. A rose garden with its pergolas punctuates this initiatory route(course). A big(great) axis is west structure the garden, as a vertebral column, leading to the entry porch and at the source of life. Rooms(Chambers) of greeneries frame(supervise) this axis with collections of peonies, of heuchères, of viburnums, of hydrangéas. A vegetable garden contains in its low walls, the forgotten vegetables and flowers to be cut, a joined conservatory allows to store citrus fruits and cactuses. An orchard compound(made up) of fruiterers in palmettes and cords supplements this kitchen garden. A protective orchard of old(former) varieties of apples with cider and with knives of the Perche(Perch) and of Normandy comes decorate the garden. A secret garden shelters a collection of hellebores, of peonies and of Magnolias, two old(former) statues stay up the peace of the place. Italian-style terraces are going to supplement this bucolic set(group). This garden sees year after year its apparaitre morphology and its outlines increasing.
Contemporary garden, Private garden, Medieval garden, Botanical garden or arboretum, Vegetable garden, orchard, Jardin remarquable
7,5€, free at least of 12 years, opened in June in July aout and in September Saturdays and Sundays from 14 h till 18 h. Since the secondary road D955 between Mamers and Bellême direction(management) Chemilli