Park of the abbey - fountains and musical impromptu: Europe of gardens with Victor Hugo -

11 h: recital of harpsichord by Mario Raskin: / rdvj-2018-grand-est / event / recital-de-clavecin
12 h 30, sideboard(buffet)
14 h: Visit of the park: you will see the outsides, main courtyard, chapel, park with its fountains, streams, hidden corners, old stones statues and rocks. The visitors will be accompanied throughout the visit by the owner and the members of the association "The Friends of the abbey of Septfontaines".
During the visit: musical and poetic interlude. Reading of poem The universe of and by IVAN DMITRIEFF, accompanied in percussions by PHILIPPE BERLING, in the middle of pond with its carps. An unique sensory and musical experience!
16 h. show: adaptation of a text by Victor Hugo, great European with a foot in France, one in England, one in Belgium because he(it) was 3 feet at least.
To know more: see only Visit / rdvj-2018-grand-est / events / spectacle-performance