3 et 4 mai
Mai 2025
Dissabte 3
23:00 - 23:59
Dimenge 4
00:00 - 06:00

Theater: The Unique Night

Warning: extraordinary spectacle! By the Unity Theater.
3 et 4 mai
Estelle Chardon

As part of the 24-25 Cultural Season. Conditions for purchasing tickets on www.saisonculturelleplo.ch.
To make the night as pleasant as possible for you, we recommend that you take a blanket as well as a cushion and anything that makes you feel good.
Duration: 7 hours + breakfast

Night is the time for fantasies, love, poetry . That night was full of them. Ten actresses declaim out loud or whisper in your ear texts by Michaux, Proust, Cendrars and many others, incredible tales, intimate stories. They sing to give you chills, take you on a journey to Kharbine, to Hanoi, to Paris, to the Basque Country, to the madmen, to the dead… Everything is sweet, quiet, relaxing.
In this crossing of the night, sleep is not prohibited. Lying down, we experience this night like a dream, so much so that in the early morning, when it is time to share breakfast, reminiscences of dreams and real events mix... We feel light, happy.

A creation by Jacques Livchine and Hervée de Lafond / With: Julie Cazalas or Inès Lopez, Ludo Estebeteguy, Fabrice Denys, Catherine Fornal, Garance Guierre or Anne de Broca, Hervée de Lafond, Jacques Livchine, Charlotte Mainge, Léonor Stirman or Mélanie Collin- Cremoni and a Bernese mountain dog (Mariole) / Lights: David Mosse or Maël Palu / Sound management: Erik Billabert or Thierry Jungblut / Tour administration: Paco Bialek / Theater administrator: Claudine Schwarzentruber / Production: Théâtre de l'Unité / Support: DRAC region Burgundy / Franche-Comté, Departmental Council of Doubs, Town of Audincourt, Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération La Transverse – Corbigny, Public places – National Center for the Creation of Street Arts – Marseille

Event type
Intérêt intercommunal
Target audience
General public
Organisé par
Organized by the city
Service culturel de la commune de Plan-les-Ouates
Organizer url
Texte alternatif à l'image
Comédiens sur scène et spectateurs couchés autour
Pas d'intrada
Événement en plein air
Pas d'intrada

À propos du lieu

Espace Vélodrome
Chemin de la Mère-Voie 62, 1228 Plan-les-Ouates
  • Genève