Jeudi 18 avril 2024, 20h00Passat
Abril 2024
Dijòus 18
20:00 - 21:30
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur

Monsieur - Karim Slama

When a mime realizes that the existence of his character is threatened, he struggles to influence the writing of his destiny.
Jeudi 18 avril 2024, 20h00Passat
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur
Guillaume Perret

«Monsieur» is an internationally recognized mime. An artist adored at the top of his art. However, one evening of performance, the accompanying voice-over evokes a stoic spectator who does not seem to appreciate the performance to its true value. “Monsieur” is struggling to regain the unconditional love of his audience. But nothing comes of it, the doubt invades him and «Sir» is embarked on a spiral of failures which perhaps announces the end of his career.
Without speaking but accompanied by the voice-over of Catherine Guggisberg, Karim Slama makes us live the tragic and burlesque destiny of a character who has never known to be anything but a mime. With the energy and inventiveness that we know him, Karim is having fun and wondering about the struggle of a quirky being who must integrate into a world that is clearly not well suited for him.

Event type
Intérêt intercommunal
Target audience
General public
Organisé par
Organized by the city
Service culturel de la commune de Plan-les-Ouatees
Organizer url
Texte alternatif à l'image
Photo de Karim Slama et Catherine Guggisberg assis sur un canapé
Pas d'intrada
Événement en plein air
Pas d'intrada
Document PDF
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À propos du lieu

Espace Vélodrome
Chemin de la Mère-Voie 60, 1228 Plan-les-Ouates