Samedi 18 mai 2024, 18h00Passat
Mai 2024
Dissabte 18
18:00 - 23:00

Palais des Beaux-Arts

Place de la République, 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Initiation workshop on the creation of mandala

All evening, initiation workshops to the creation of mandala will be offered by "Atelier Mandala".
Samedi 18 mai 2024, 18h00Passat
© Artiste Romola Jain

All evening, initiation workshops to the creation of mandala will be offered by "Atelier Mandala".
Known for his vibrant paintings and captivating murals, Romola always creates freehand and without model, following the inspiration of the moment. You will have the opportunity to observe his artistic process during a live painting.
You will have a personal and warm experience guided by Romola Jain and her daughter Alexia Jain.
In connection with the space Slow down, Contemplate, Meditate.

Types of events
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Conditions for participation
Free entrance
Type de public

À propos du lieu

Palais des Beaux-Arts
Place de la République, 59000 Lille
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
The exceptional collections of the Palace of the Fine Arts of Lille make a museum of the first rank, in France and in Europe. Numerous heads - of work redraw a complete panorama of history of art, of antiquity in the XXth century. Among strong points, let us quote the Flemish painting(paint) (Dirk Bouts, Rubens, Van Dyck), Italian Renaissance (Donatello, Raphael's drawings, etc.) the Spanish painting(paint) (Goya, Greco) and the French art of the XIXth century (David, Delacroix, Monet, Rodin). Plans-reliefs, models of the strengthened cities built under Louis XIV, also provoke the curiosity of the visitors, come sometimes from a distance to see these unique(only) objects. Of neoclassical style, the building(ship) also plays with the contemporary by marrying the stone, the concrete and the glass. The programme planning(programming) of the museum is opened on all artistic fields and addresses all public (music, dance, cinema, theatre, urban cultures). In phase with its time(weather) and with the waitings(expectations) of the visitor of today, the Palace of Fine Arts dashed(launched) into a large programme of transformations (on 2016 - 2020) which renews the experience(experiment) of visit by offering new spaces of comfort, of consultation and of mediation thanks to innovative technologies.
© Palace of Fine Arts
Musée de France, Museum of Arts
Full-price 7€ / reduced tariff 4€