Jeudi 2 mai, 18h00Passat
Mai 2024
Dijòus 2
18:00 - 19:00

Voltaire, craftsman of the Enlightenment

Every month, a free visit for everyone aged 12 and over invites you to discover Voltaire and the Délices.
Jeudi 2 mai, 18h00Passat
Bibliothèque de Genève/Stéphane Pecorini

Voltaire arrived in Geneva at the age of 61, living in the Villa des Délices from 1755 to 1760, where he wrote many famous works, including Candide. This tour explores the life of the Enlightenment philosopher, focusing on his stay in Calvin's city.
Free, tour in French, registration required

Pas d'intrada
Texte alternatif à l'image
Photo du bâtiment "Les délices"
Other place
Pas d'intrada
Event type
Guided visit
Target audience
General public
ID Secutix
Pas d'intrada
Event organisation
Event organized by an external organization
Bibliothèque de Genève (BGE)
Organizer url
100% gratuit
Thématiques (ne pas cocher sauf autorisation)
Pas cap seleccion
Contribution service
Campagne - ça se discute
Yesterday's stars are they that different from contemporary ones ? (history / politics)

À propos du lieu

Les Délices
Rue des Délices 25, 1203 Genève