Geneva's heritage collections: how exotic are they?
The collection of documents and objects from outside Europe, and their transfer to or by Geneva's cultural institutions, is the basis of an exceptional heritage. What do we know about these "exotic" collections, and how can we continue or redirect this work?
Moderator: Vincent Fontana (Musée d'Yverdon et région et région)
Free, registration required from January 4, 2024
Subject to availability.
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Program in partnership with the Haute école de musique, whose students offer a musical welcome at 6:10 p.m.
Although colonial ideology developed in many European countries during the 19th century, it is now facing severe questioning and legitimate challenges.
Between restitutions of heritage in museum collections, reflections on urban toponymy, and work on language and writing, today's societies are launching debates on the reception and interpretation of their past.
Through this cycle entitled Colonial Geneva? Mémoires et patrimoines, the Bibliothèque de Genève and the Maison de l'histoire de l'Université de Genève invite you to debate and reflect.