Jeudi 13 juin, 11h00Passat
Junh 2024
Dijòus 13
11:00 - 12:00
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap intellectual
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap auditiu
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap psiquic
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap motor
De 2 à 105 ans

Ciné-relax X Black Movie: Krisha et le Maître de la forêt

Relaxed cinema sessions for everyone. Auditorium. Thursday 13 june, 11 am to 12 noon.
Jeudi 13 juin, 11h00Passat
Image extraite du film Krisha et le Maître de la forêt

RELAX, culture is for everyone. All audiences are welcome. All behaviour, however unexpected, is seen as an expression of feeling. Cultural life is open to everyone.
During these ciné-relaxes we will be showing Krisha and the Master of the Forest by Jae-beom Park
What is it?
It's a film that uses beautiful animated puppets to tell a moving story.
Krisha is a young girl who raises reindeer. With her family, she travels across the great frozen plains called the tundra. One day, a hunter from the city arrives, disrupting the quiet life of their tribe. Krisha decides to set off alone to the forest where the ancient trees are found, to meet a sacred animal. T
his film is in French with French subtitles for the deaf and hearing-impaired.
Where is it? This Ciné Relax screening takes place in the MEG auditorium, on the first basement floor.y
How long is it? 68 minutes.
Who is it for? This film is for people aged 10 and over.
How much does it cost? It's free, and there's no need to book in advance.

How does a Relax outing work?
Before the film:
A person welcomes you and shows you the cinema.
A person gives you information about the film.
You enter the room.
The lights dim a little.
The film starts.
During the film :
The door of the room remains open: So you can enter and leave whenever you want.
The sounds of the show are soft.
All ways of reacting to the show are ok.
For example, you can laugh loudly.
Someone from the museum will be there if you need help.
At the end of the film you can :
Have a drink with your friends.
Talk about the show.
Visit the museum.
Ask for help to get home.
For example, to :
find out the bus and tram timetable of the TPG.
TPG stands for Transports Publics Genevois.
call a taxi
Do you have a question? Don't hesitate to call us on 022 418 45 15

Pas d'intrada
Texte alternatif à l'image
Une image d'une enfant en marionnette et d'un rêne aussi en marionnette marchant c^te à côte dans la neige.
Other place
Pas d'intrada
Event type
Target audience
General public
ID Secutix
Pas d'intrada
Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organizer url
Pas cap seleccion
Thématiques (ne pas cocher sauf autorisation)
Pas cap seleccion
Contribution service
Campagne - ça se discute
And plants, do they also communicate ? (ecology / environment / climate)

À propos du lieu

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève