Vendredi 24 mai, 19h00Passat
Mai 2024
Divendres 24
19:00 - 20:30
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap intellectual
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap psiquic
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap motor
De 0 à 99 ans

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle

20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Conference: meeting with the Wild Cat

In the national context of the Fête de la Nature, Vincent Gavériaux, regional naturalist, offers you a meeting around the only feline of Hauts-de-France: Felis silvestris.
Vendredi 24 mai, 19h00Passat

Whistle for the Nature Festival!
The Relais Nature team offers, since May 22, conferences-meetings around naturalistic themes, before the festive event on Sunday, May 26 to close this annual national event dedicated to Nature.
This Friday, May 24, Vincent Gavériaux, illustrator and regional naturalist, offers a conference on the only feline in the region: the Wild Cat (Felis silvestris). Present but invisible, discover his portrait and take stock of his presence in the Hauts-de-France.
Appointment: 7 pm
Good to know: limited number of places, only on registration. Ticketing on enm.lillemetropole.fr or at the reception
Duration: 1 h 30
Rate: free
All audiences
From 22 to 26 May 2024, Nature Festival at the Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle. Conferences, workshops and a festive closing time are offered:
• Wednesday, May 22: Night Hedgehog Marathon (Lecture by Lestrem Nature)
• Thursday, May 23: Top athletes: the Nocturnal Raptors of Hauts-de-France (conference by the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Nord)
• Friday, May 24: Meeting with the Wild Cat (conference by Vincent Gavériaux)
• Saturday 25 May: Nature is beautiful (conference by the National Botanical Conservatory of Bailleul)
• Sunday, May 26: Biodiversity in celebration! (farmers market, workshops, eco-actors forum)
Full program on:
The site is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact the team for more details about the accessibility of the shows/ animations. _

Événement d’intérêt métropolitain
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À propos du lieu

Relais Nature du Parc de la Deûle
20 Chemin du Halage, 59211 Santes
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
Vincent Lecigne/MEL

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