Mirabon and Lace
Proposed by Prato, Pôle National Cirque
Vendredi 20 octobre 2023, 20h00Passat
03 20 77 15 10La conserverie
Circus solo, wire, clown, quick-change, majorette, modern dance, waterfall and music. Just that! As a little girl, Mirabon dreamed of being a princess. Having become a woman, she sees herself as queen. Queen of what? Her heart swings between Calamity Jane and Miss France. Torn between Brad Pitt, the American dream, the wearing of the moustache, the luxury of the balls, the big necklines, she sometimes loses her head a little… She’ll be the queen of the world for an hour, just for us.
Show designed and performed by Tite Coup d'oeil: Catherine Gourdon, Jean-Charles Gaume and Pierre Déaux
Dramaturgy: Alain Fabert
Costumes and sewing: Émilie Lheureux Choreography: William Thomas Construction
Decor: Nicolas Rodhain and Tite Hugon
Music: Tite, Schubert and the Crazy Horse
Visual: Jonathan Lheureux
Age: from 7 years
Duration: 50 minutes- To get there: _ Carpooling: (Book your ride on Pass Pass Carpooling)