Round table | Has the Hirak changed Algeria?
François Gèze
François Gèze is a French publisher, born on April 17, 1948 in Casablanca. He directed La Découverte from 1982 to 2014, for which he then worked as a publisher. He is since 2005 the president of the company, portal of journals and books of humanities and social sciences. Engaged at a very young age in international solidarity with Latin America, he then became heavily involved in the book industry, contributing to several of its bodies. And since the 1990s, he has particularly mobilized against human rights violations in Algeria, both during the time of colonization and since its independence.
Farida Souiah
Farida Souiah holds a PhD in political science (Sciences Po Paris) and is an assistant professor at the EM Lyon Business School. Her work focuses on migration, migration policies and protest. It invests these objects from land in southern Mediterranean countries, more precisely in Algeria and Tunisia. Thanks to her mastery of modern Arabic and Maghreb dialects, she sets up research devices mixing a wide variety of sources. Cultural productions in general, and music in particular, allow him to understand the links between emigration and protest as well as the migratory imaginary.
Leïla Beratto (moderation)
Journalist for the news site 15-38 Méditerranée.