The hidden history of the chapel
Dimanche 22 septembre 2024, 14h00, 15h30, 16h30Passat
0326353610Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita (1886-1968), Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix (détail d’une fresque intérieure de la chapelle Foujita) , entre 1965 et 1966, peinture à fresque © MBA Reims 2024 / Photo : C. Devleeschauwer
The Foujita chapel teems with a thousand and one details, in the frescoes, on the stained glass windows and even in the garden. Let yourself be carried away in a story that will make you (re)discover them with an explorer’s eye!
In the chapel garden.
By Julien Tauber, Caktus Association.