Vendredi 13 octobre 2017, 10h00Passat
Octòbre 2017
Divendres 13
10:00 - 18:30
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Association Au bout du plongeoir

Domaine de Tize, 35235 Thorigné-Fouillard, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne

The inter-worldwide Meetings of the new ways to make in architecture (s)

Days of meetings and «to dream action(share) up», serious as much as cheerful, as part of the National Days of Architecture, on the theme of the new ways to make in architecture (s).
Vendredi 13 octobre 2017, 10h00Passat

There are those who look for experience(experiment) and for those who look for excellence.
There is also a common(shared) space which perceives(collects) itself more and more and that grows.
Indeed, since a few years we attend an unsurpassed upheaval of the manners to make in architecture (s). It follows a due, deep reappraisal
in reports on the ecological state of crisis, economic, urban, rural and societal into which we are plunged.
Fortunately surge took place. He(It) seems collectively accepted today that it is time to redo our games(sets), because it all goes wrong(rien ne va plus)!
On this moose(run-up) transformer, the city, the territory are tackled(approached) with a new care.
The human being resumes(takes back) a central place(square), they try to spot the sensitive report(relationship) which he maintains with his place of life, they try to include(comprise) him in political decision, to concern it, to return it again actor of the city(estate).
The territory asks again for the writing of a narrative. He cannot be only arrested any more in term of functions(offices), of statistics, of uses(practices). One there advertisement of right(law) for doubt, of link and of myth.
From his/her part(On his/her side), the architect is not any more the only visionary who puts big(great) gestures(movements). Numerous collectives appear with strong ethical steps(initiatives), crossed visions and of multidisciplinary practices.
Art interferes in all stages of manufacturing.
And nature re-invites itself in landscape with its repair virtues and ecological crisis does not any more allow to domesticate it as before.
Some people see riot there, others a necessary transition towards a new balance.
Finally the question of frugality stands out. They re-question “already there”, on the basis of economic necessity but not only. The question of our relation in the recent heritage, in the mayfly, in the recognition of the existent settles(arises) more widely.
On October 12th and 13th, 2017 inter-worldwide Meetings will lean on the previous experiences(experiments) initiated by SEA - experimental Site of architectures. It is a question of going farther to the research(search) for these new steps(initiatives) which fabricate, transform, experiment, imagine, tell our territories and to lay around the table the different worlds which conceive(design), fabricate, manufacture our places of life, our common(shared) spaces.
A partnership At the end of The diving board, ANPU - National Agency of Urban Psychoanalysis, Fédé Breizh and the POlau-pole(POlau-centre) of urban arts.

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À propos du lieu

Association Au bout du plongeoir
Domaine de Tize, 35235 Thorigné-Fouillard, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne
  • Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Bretagne