Guided tour of the Provençal Clothing Museum

Guided tours This museum is located in an old oil mill built in 1772. It ceased all activity after the terrible frost of 1956, which destroyed a large part of the olive trees of the region. More than 200 garments from women, men, children and accessories of daily life make up the permanent exhibition.The collection covers the period from 1800 to 1915, fatal period to the Provençal clothing replaced by Parisian fashion. The interior architecture of the "blood mill", (a mill whose wheels could be turned by both humans and animals), its six press vaults, its typical Provençal cuisine with its vegetable garden (stove), as well as beautiful pieces of Indian, the wedding dress that in Provence before 1850 was not white but green-olive, will tell you the beautiful traditions of our region. Contact: 04 94 33 72 02 Website: