Eglise Saint Jean Baptiste
place anatole France 83460 Les Arcs
- Var
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
From the 18th century, the bishop of Fréjus asked to repair and enlarge the church of Notre Dame (present-day St Peter’s Chapel) «having judged that the church was not well equipped to contain the people of this parish». The congregation of white penitents states that The chapel of St Roch has long been used as a supplement to the parish church which is far too small and which, due to its location in the upper part of the village, is difficult to access for a large part of the inhabitants and especially for the old people and the convalescent» The council of the community regularly discusses the enlargement of the church and then decides to build a new one but the future location is subject to debate. The first stone was laid on January 20, 1846 in the district of Chemin Neuf. Although unfinished, the building served as a setting for St Sebastian’s ceremonies in 1849\. Then a vault collapsed. The arches must be rebuilt and the side chapels reinforced. The building was blessed on Octobe
Édifice religieux

(c) Mairie des Arcs