Screening-debate "La part belle" by Marie Milliard

( Documentary, 65 mn)
In the presence of the director.
On the small stage of a mobile studio with a simple decor, the inhabitants of a popular district of Marseille come «to be shot the portrait» as in the photo studio of yesteryear. The floor is added. The silences too.
It is mainly women who have taken their place and are giving themselves up. Beauty then arises from the back and forth between their inner worlds and their outer worlds, between what we choose to show of ourselves and what emerges despite everything, and all the codes of representation that we must master to be listened to. In connection with the exhibition presented at the History Museum of Marseille: "Rue du Musée/ Musée de la Rue: Place à prendre, acte II" designed in partnership with the association Noailles Debout!