Open letter to a distant river

Small musical and theatrical form for Souffles et Cordes... From the Rhone to the Great River of Life and Death, two actors and two musicians weave a correspondence and begin a sensitive and poetic dialogue with the rivers... " Open letter to a distant river" is an address to the river, outside or inside,... that each one carries within itself.
Voice: Marianne Salmon and Jean-Christophe Vermot-Gauchy Accordion: Pascal Rosiak - Cello: Thierry Renard Under the artistic direction of Michel Tallaron Duration: about 50 minutes
The performance will be followed by a participatory epistolary workshop open to all. write a letter to the real or imaginary river of your choice! A few words or more depending on the inspiration, a drawing, a small sign... Entrust to the rivers a memory, a dream, an aspiration, a message for the Earth... ! Your letters can be entrusted to the company, which will collect them to feed a vast correspondence between the Rhone and other Great Rivers of France and the World (within the framework of the multi-year project "Bringing the Voice of the Rivers", conducted in partnership with the IAGF - Initiatives for the Future of the Great Rivers) - workshop duration: between 1h and 1h30 according to the inspiration of each. e