Historical discovery of the village and visit of the church of Tourrettes Var
Historical visit of the village with Madame Elizabeth Duriez, Historian, of the association Tourrettes Héritage.
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passat
Historical visit of the village with Madame Elizabeth Duriez, Historian, of the association Tourrettes Héritage.
History of the Villeneuve family from Catalonia, from Raymond de Villeneuve, Count of Provence and the court Alphonse 1st.
Discovery of the famous native and inhabitant of Tourrettes: Joseph Marius Alexis Aubin: Paleographer, Americanist and Collector, born in 1802, and Jacques-Alexandre Fabre: Polytechnician in the service of the Tsars of Russia, born in 1782.
Discovery of the church St André and its Paintings which dates from the XI century.