The Hôtel de Lauthonie and its «Renaissances»

The Hotel de Lauthonie is the only example of the architecture of the first Renaissance in Tulle; in this it is remarkable, but it is also by its occupants over time. From the Juyé de La Besse family who built the mansion in 1551, to the Corcé which transformed it in 1877 to the taste of the time, to the tenants of the condominium in the twentieth century, to the service of the Departmental Unit of Architecture and Heritage which occupies it since 2006, it is the story of «Renaissances» that is proposed to you. A visit to 2 voices by the architect of the buildings of France of the Corrèze and an inhabitant who lived in these places will allow to rediscover this monument through testimonies and traces left by the inhabitants. For children, a workshop entitled «je recompose ma façade» will be proposed. • Elisabeth Pérot, architect of the buildings of France of the Corrèze; • Jean-Christophe Portais, engineer of the heritage UDAP19; • Stéphane Mandon, technician of the heritage UDAP19.