Dimanche 17 septembre 2023, 14h00, 16h00Passat
Setembre 2023
Dimenge 17
14:00 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:30
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur

Hôpital du Vésinet

72 avenue de la Princesse 78110 Le Vésinet
  • Yvelines
  • Île-de-France

Guided tour of the Vésinet Hospital

Visit of the Hospital Park and the waiting auditorium at the Chapel guided by Jean-Paul Debeaupuis, member of the Initiative and Defense Society of the Site.
Dimanche 17 septembre 2023, 14h00, 16h00Passat
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap moteur

Visit of the Hospital Park and the waiting room at the Chapel guided by Jean-Paul Debeaupuis, member of the Society of Initiative and Defense of the Site. Meet at the entrance gate

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thèmes 2023
Pas cap seleccion
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Pas d'intrada
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription
Type de public
Tout public

À propos du lieu

Hôpital du Vésinet
72 avenue de la Princesse 78110 Le Vésinet
  • Yvelines
  • Île-de-France
An imperial asylum built on the initiative of Napoleon III and inaugurated in 1859 by the Duke of Padua, this establishment was intended to welcome workers who were convalescent or maimed from work. In 1949, it became a "national convalescent institution". In 1993, it adopted the name of Hôpital du Vésinet.
Édifice hospitalier, Espace naturel, parc, jardin