Architectural Tour

The Allied bombings at the end of the Second World War were particularly devastating for the city of Saint-Ouen, 1/3 of which was destroyed or damaged in 1944. Faced with the aggravation of a housing crisis already underway for a century, the communist municipality of the time created, in 1947, its public low-rent housing office (OPHLM) which will build its first social housing in cooperation with the Ministry of Reconstruction and Urban Planning (MRU). The construction sites were entrusted to architects often engaged as Anatole Kopp and Lucien Métrich for the Vieux Saint-Ouen (1960-1965). In 1966, the action of the OPHLM is completed by the creation of a mixed economy company, called SEMISO, which will allow other architects to embark on the adventure of collective housing. In 2023, the visit will focus on the Old Saint-Ouen and Docks district.