Guided tour of Villa Vassilieff and discovery of AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions

AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions invites you to discover its premises at Villa Vassilieff
The AWARE team: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions and the artists of the collective Union Quoi? International e invites the public to visit the Villa Vassilieff, former studio of the artist Marie Vassilieff, and to reflect on the notions of heritage and archives within this space.
It will be an opportunity for you to explore this place and its layout designed by matali crasset, including the research and documentation center entirely dedicated to women artists and feminist art, as well as the projection room and the listening room.
The members of the collective Union What? International e have carte blanche to design workshop and performance times related to archiving practices and transmission of heritage and vernacular cultures.
Find the complete programme on our website:
The AWARE team will be there to meet you and tell you the story of Marie Vassilieff and this emblematic place in the Montparnasse district and the Parisian art scene in which the artist set up his studio and founded an academy at the turn of the years 1910.
After the First World War, the academy became a canteen for artists and readers. You will come to visit a place where the avant-garde participated in literary evenings and mythical parties. Our team will be able to tell the smallest and the largest how the history of this emblematic place intersects with the missions of our association.
We moved to Villa Vassilieff in 2021. Wishing to be part of this matrimonial heritage, we have created a research and documentation center open to all. Renovated by the matali crasset designer, Villa Vassilieff now hosts spaces for mediation, projection, listening and documentation. Reinvesting this place steeped in the presence of Marie Vassilieff is a strong symbol for the AWARE association, whose mission is to give visibility to women artists and to create a link with the public.