Farewell show, by Yann Lheureux and Patrice de Bénédetti
Farewell show (40 minutes) by Yann Lheureux and Patrice de Bénédetti
Two men, a wheelbarrow and death. We are always seized, stunned at the funeral ceremonies. At the moment when death outweighs the living, often the remnants grab life. Through their emotions, their rituals, their almost silent words, their last gestures addressed to the deceased/disappeared. But also, mixed with the celebrations the low work, the factual things that those who remain have to face. At their side, always these men and women who accompany, facilitate and ensure the smooth running of this ritual moment. Research on the place of the living in the mourning process. Focusing on the forgotten, the workers of death. A simple form purified, a duo of «gravediggers/ gardeners» who tell from an external point of view what is played between the living when death occurs. Between words and movements, these two men have their own questions, memories, wishes, utopias and the earth.