Route in coach: The achievements of Renée Gailhoustet in Seine-Saint-Denis

To pay tribute to the architect who passed away at the beginning of 2023, we propose a route to better know his work, rich and diverse, in the department.
Recognized late, the work of Renée Gailhoustet is not limited to his Ivryian achievements alongside Jean Renaudie. She also built in Romainville a neighborhood house turned social center, built social housing in Villetaneuse, other low-cost housing with equipment in Saint-Denis and Aubervilliers, in various forms, concrete and brick, as we will explain, on site, two architects: Aurore Reynaud, in charge of their rehabilitation, and Katherine Fiumani, who was his collaborator for the Maladrerie district.
Visit led by Benoît Pouvreau, responsible for heritage inventory in the Seine-Saint-Denis Department.