Japan to Ormesson
This year, the Domaine d'Ormesson celebrates Japan by unveiling a number of family archives on Yolande d'Ormesson and her husband Chares Arsène-Henri, Ambassador of France to Japan…
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passat

Jean-Marie Guerville
This year, the Domaine d'Ormesson honors Japan, by unveiling a number of family archives on Yolande d'Ormesson and her husband Chares Arsène-Henri, Ambassador of France to Japan from 1936 to 1943, great collector of Asian art (bequest to the Musée de Tokyo and the Musée de Lyon) and author of several books on the subject. Also, in order to illuster this universe Jean-Marie Guerville presents a collection of more than 1000 objects on "The Decorative Arts of Ancient Japan" at the Orangery of the castle, opened exceptionally during all the Heritage Days.