The art of espalier, intangible cultural heritage - Guided tour

The association Murs à Pêches offers, through a journey through the various gardens to share with you the art of espalier and the history of fishing culture against the walls that began in the seventeenth century and spread throughout the Montreuil territory until the late nineteenth century. Expert horticulturists from Montreuil were able to produce beautiful and good peaches of more than 400 grams. Their fruits were served at the table of the rulers of the time such as the Tsar, the Queen of England or King Louis XIV. “Note that under Louis XIV, his great gardener La Quintinie, creator of the King’s Kitchen Garden at Versailles, came to Montreuil to recruit specialists who were already renowned for treating peach trees.”
The training at the rag
A speciality of Bagnolet or Montreuil, training is done with rags and nails; rags are done with strips of old fabric (…). The nail is placed on both ends of the rag so that the branch is not too tight. The orientation of the walls was perfectly calculated to take into account the slope and the sunshine; the walls stored the heat in the day to restore it to the fruits and trees during the night. It will be discussed the situation this natural heritage in the center of the aglommeration, resiliency, incongruous taken care by the inhabitants.