Free visit of La Conciergerie
The Conciergerie, an important vestige of the Palais des Capétiens, offers a remarkable testimony to the civil architecture of the 14th century with the Salle des Gens d'Armes, the Salle des Gardes an
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passat

Caroline Rose/Centre des monuments nationaux
The Conciergerie, an important vestige of the palace of the Capetians, offers a remarkable testimony to the civil architecture of the fourteenth century with the room of the People of Arms, the room of the Guards and the kitchens. Almost the entire lower level of the palace was turned into a prison in the 15th century. One can visit the dungeons and, in particular for Marie-Antoinette, the expiatory chapel dedicated to her memory and which was the site of her prison.