Heritage days at the Institut de France

Have you always dreamed of entering the Institute and joining the academicians? To cross the shadows of Victor Hugo, Simone Veil or Louis Pasteur? Or more simply to push the doors overhanging the mysterious dome at the other end of the art bridge? Come and cross the threshold of the Palais de l'Institut de France! You will discover the five Academies that work there, the Académie française, the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, the Académie des sciences, the Académie des beaux-arts and the Académie des sciences morales et politiques. You can meet the academicians present and get their dedications. You will be dazzled by the beauty of the place, the Mazarine library, the library of the Institut de France, and the meeting rooms of the academicians as well as the Coupole. Your journey will end with the exhibition in tribute to Vladimir Veličković at the Comtesse de Caen Pavilion.
We will also be happy to share the rich life of the Institut de France, by presenting our bookshop, France Mémoire, the mission in charge of national commemorations, Canal Academies and its thousands of audio programs as well as the service of educational actions. For families, a playbook will be distributed to children.
Saturday 16**,** 10 am-1 pm
Pierre Brunel (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) Chantal Delsol (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) Olivier Houdé (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) Serge Sur (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) Pierre Léna (Académie des sciences) Saturday 16, 14h-17h
Sébastien Balibar (Académie des sciences) Dominique Barthélemy (Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres) Catherine Bréchignac (Honorary Secretary of the Académie des sciences) Jean-Pierre Changeux (Académie des sciences) Pascale Cossart (Honorary Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences) Anne Démians (Academy of Fine Arts) Michel Delseny (Academy of Sciences) Erik Desmazières (Academy of Fine Arts) Adrien Goetz (Academy of Fine Arts) Étienne Ghys (Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences) Denis Le Bihan (Academy of Sciences) Danièle Sallenave (of the French Academy) Évariste Sanchez Palencia (Academy of Sciences) Bernard Stirn (Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences) Sunday 17, 14h-17h
Daniel Andler (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) Alain Aspect (Académie des sciences) Florence Delay (from the Académie française) Emmanuel Guibert (Académie des beaux-arts) Andreï Makine (from the Académie française) Laurent Pernot (Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres)