Archives départementales des Hauts-de-Seine
137 avenue Joliot-Curie 92000 Nanterre
- Hauts-de-Seine
- Île-de-France
Created on the October 1st, 1968, the Directorate of departmental Archives of the Hauts-de-Seine has in load(responsibility) the collection, classification(ranking), preservation, communication and promotion(valuation) of the public archives produced in the territorial spring(competence) of the Hauts-de-Seine: the archives of the General Council, services(departments) and establishments of the State in the Department (prefecture, directions(managements) and departmental units, jurisdictions), public and ministerial officers, and all bodies of private law loaded a mission or a delegation of public service. She(It) exercises a scientific and technical control over the archives of municipalities and of groupings of municipalities. She can receive private archives, in gift(donation) or in deposit(warehouse), (families, companies, associations). She(It) also assures(insures) preservation and emphasising of the patrimonial library(bookcase) André-Desguine, rich in 55 000 works the from XVth century till XXth century, among which 150 incunabulum, and of the library(bookcase) specialised of social history(story) Souvarine, rich in 45 000 works and 1 200 titles(securities) of periodicals on communism, socialism and trade unionism.
SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY): Nanterre-university (line Paris Saint-Lazare); RAPID-TRANSIT RAIL SYSTEM: Nanterre-prefecture or Nanterre-university (line A); BUS: lines 159, 160, 163 or 304 (stop(ruling) Prefecture of the Hauts-de-Seine or Joliot-Curie)

Archives départementales des Hauts-de-Seine