La crypte d'Orsay
2 avenue Saint-Laurent 91400 Orsay
The Sculpture and Modeling workshop of the Mosaic Plastic Arts association exhibits its creations every year. Its goal: to raise the widest possible public awareness of art and creation, through contemporary sculpture, in a magical place that magnificently highlights the works presented: the Crypt. This year, the Atelier du Regard, a living model drawing workshop, is the guest of honour and will present drawings in harmony with the terracotta, stones and other noble materials present. La Crypte, this cult place that has become cultural, is now dedicated to hosting contemporary art installations created for this particular exhibition space. Originally, the bedrock of the burial chapel, built by the Comte d'Orsay to house the burial of his first wife; this place regularly enchants the creations presented.
Édifice commémoratif