Circuit of discovery of three organs of Paris. In each place, presentation of the instrument, followed by a mini-concert of about 25 minutes
Circuit of discovery of three organs of Paris from 15h15 to 18h...
Samedi 16 septembre 2023, 14h15Passat

Le Paris des Orgues
Circuit of discovery of three organs of Paris from 15h15 to 18h. 1st stage: organ of the church of Saint-François Xavier, 12 place du président Mithouard (7th) from 14h15 to 15h 2nd stage: organ of the chapel St-Ignace, 33 rue de Sèvres (6th) from 15h30 to 16h15 3rd stage: organ of the church Sainte-Clotilde, 23 B rue Las Cases (7th) from 17h to 17h45 In each church, oral presentation of the place and the instrument, followed by a hearing of the organ of about 25 minutes, mini-concert, by the holder. The public moves from one place to another at its convenience (on foot, metro, etc...)