Lecture "The organ, this mysterious instrument".
Would you like to know everything about this fabulous organ? This workshop is for you! You will learn about history and how it works with a built model…
16 et 17 septembre 2023Passat
S'inscrire / Réserver: https://www.bois-colombes.fr/ville-attractive/patrimoine-et-histoire/actualites/énagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap intellectuelHandicap auditifHandicap psychiqueHandicap moteur
Maquette d'un orgue présentée par le conférencier Patrick Dufossé (Ville de Bois-Colombes/Direction de l'action culturelle)
Would you like to know all about this fabulous organ? This workshop is for you! You will learn the history and discover how it works using a specially built model. This playful and interactive workshop will also be an opportunity to listen to musical excerpts.