Discover the treasures of a village on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Stroll in the heart of the village of Champignol-lez-Mondeville, explore the multitude of heritage of the town; its buildings linked to the abbey of Clairvaux of the XII-XIII centuries, its wine history and the presentation of an old press, as well as the commitment of the municipality to the safeguarding of the local biodiversity of the surrounding forests and hillsides. Enclosed in a vineyard amphitheatre, the town is committed to the preservation and enhancement of the whole "Coteaux, Houses and Cellars of Champagne" inscribed on the list of the world heritage as cultural landscapes.
The Saint-Laurent Church (18th century), the medieval tower (13th century) and the chapel of Mondeville (12th century) will be open to visitors from 14:30 to 18:00. Tasting at the end of the walk.
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