Artistic creation «Les petites mains»
Artistic creation around the working memory and the world of work. Since 2014, the company has started a long work of sociological surveys and collections of testimonies on the life and work of workers in Troyes textile companies, including France Teinture, Guy de Bérac, Doré Doré, etc. but also abroad, especially in China. Today, this dataset has evolved into the creation of a show centered on the work of French and Chinese textile factories, which will be created in autumn 2023 at the research stage of ENS Paris Saclay.
This artistic creation presented on the occasion of the European Heritage Days is the beginning of the show project that will be produced in 2024.
Artistic direction: Odile Macchi
With Daniel Azélie, David Seigneur, actors
Light creation and sound Fred Raby
(team construction in progress)
Co-produced by ANR Eurasemploi and ENS Paris Saclay.
And supported by the Museums of the City of Troyes