Église Saint-Saturnin
Le Bourg 36210 Poulaines
Church built in the course of the second half of the XIIth century. The bell tower-hall, ahead of the nave, not planned in initial programme, was indeed built in the 1st quarter of the XIIIth century. This church, established(constituted) by a nave of three spans and of a chorus(choir) of two spans, corresponds to the nave of the current church. The construction of the chorus(choir), in the extension of old(former), could intervene by 1500, at the time when the North of the building rose, for the Lord of Tessonnières, the chapel of Saint-Margaret, leant on the gouttereau wall. From 1868, the departmental architect Alfred Dauvergne built both spans of the chapel of the Virgin(Virgo), east of the chapel Saint-Margaret. The major interest of this rural church domiciles(resides) in its decoration(set) sculpted and painted. Eight columns committed(hired) by the Romance nave carry capitals(big tops) adorned with crossed ribbons(tapes) or with sheets(leaves) of water where from are possible emerge from human heads. The vault of ogives, in eight radiant(shining) districts, of the chapel Saint-Margaret rests(bases) on nerves(caps) sculpted and painted, representatives of the human heads, contemporaries of the pictorial decoration realised in the tempera in the last quarter of the XVth century. An Annunciation and faces(figures) in foot of apostles, put together by two, occupy eight voûtains. The used(employed) colours are ochre-yellow, red brown, a tone was more darkened for false - joined(contacted) and a blue(bruise) for the bottom of faces(figures).
Édifice religieux

Poulaines église