Canal de Beaulieu-lès-Loches
37600 Beaulieu-lès-Loches
- Indre-et-Loire
- Centre-Val de Loire
It is difficult to know the exact date of the creation of the Beaulieu canal, which is a derivation of the Indre. André Montoux, in an article of the bulletin of the archaeological society of Touraine believes that it is contemporary of the urban fortification (14th or 2nd half of the 15th century). It is also called «Canal des Tanneurs» in the 19th century and «Canal des Tanneries» in the following century. It was built by the Benedictine monks and is probably the successor to a meagre network that previously fed the mills established in the territory. The canal had a domestic role (drinking water supply, sewerage and sewage treatment) and an economic role (irrigation, energy, mills, tanneries). It was made to supply water to tan or flour mills. Various structures (weirs, thresholds, gates) managed the water height of the canal, but also the various branches of the Indre, including on Loches (natural bed of the Indre, canal de la Gare in Loches, Petite Garonne or «false river». The ca
Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Édifice maritime et fluvial