Ancienne boucherie-épicerie Bouldoire, Place de l'église,
15110 Lieutadès
- Cantal
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The Bouldoire House is first and foremost a family story over at least three generations. We know Honoré, the grandfather, Germain, his only son, and Louisette, his granddaughter, also an only child and single.
The original farm building, where people drank on busy days and sold the meat of their animals the days after slaughter, became the ‘’Hôtel Café Germain Bouldoire, Boucherie-Epicerie’’ over time. The walls bear the traces of successive transformations. Louisette passed away in February 2019 at the age of 99\. Living in the memory of his parents who died in 1971, the establishment has remained unchanged since the 1950s
Édifice d'artisanat, du commerce et du tertiaire
Florian Besson