Lyon, cradle of the French web
Did you know? The first French web server was created in Villeurbanne, near Lyon, in 1992 at the IN2P3 Computing Center (CNRS). At that time, web technology had just been created at CERN, in Geneva, and was intended only for confidential use between physicists, for the exchange of data. Come and discover how and why the Web was born, what difference there is with the Internet but also what the first French website looked like. Daniel Charnay, one of the precursors of the web in France, will also be present to tell how, with his colleague Wojciech Wojcik, he unknowingly participated in the development of a technology now used by all. This animation is offered as part of the CC-IN2P3 computer museum where the NeXTcube workstation that was used for the first web server is on display.