Mairie et salle des fetes de Montmeyran
Place de la poste 26120 Montmeyran
- Drôme
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
10h: parade in the streets of the village, gathering place of the town hall 11h: opening of the exhibition to the hall of the fetes and to the annex of the room of the festivals All day exhibition photos on the theme of the living heritage, animation kermesse, ride in carriage, projection of the film "vie montmeyranaise", audio room "paroles de montmeyranais" 12:30: banquet on reservation 14:30: "paroles de montmeyranais", time of exchanges with the protagonists and presentation of the director 17h: games montmeyranais for young and old in team.
Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs