Musée associatif « Engrangeons la mémoire : histoire d'une famille beaujolaise en 14-18 »
32 Rue du 3 Septembre 1944 69480 Anse
- Rhône
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
In this old(former) farm, the first constructions date the XVth century with a pigeon house and the staircases with screw. The rest of buildings(ships), the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries of which barns, go back up(raise) in. The main House such as she exists now was built in 1863\. It is in this set(group) that settled down our museum which handles war 14-18\. In the first room you will be able to follow the everyday life(daily paper) of a family the son of which is in the forehead(front). You will live to the rhythm of visits so expected from factor(mailman) and from correspondence, from offensives and from travels(movements) of the young soldier Joannès. In the second room you will be submerged in everyday life of those who stay in back forehead(front), in villages and make live the country. You will see which are the jobs(businesses) which go downhill for lack of masculine workforce and which are the ones which take development. You will understand how war, by killing the men(people), leaves the lone women facing heavy tasks and in often very difficult financial standings. Visit ends by an immersion in the harsh reality of the soldiers. You will be able to discover objects fabricated by the French soldiers in World War I in the forehead(front) and panels(signs) detailing(retailing) you causes of war, his(her,its) progress, big(great) dates and battles to be held(retained). In the cellar, a cartoon movie will be presented to you regarding the liberation of Handle in 1944, when 13 people took refuge during the bombardments which destroyed the bell tower of the city.
Édifice rural, Édifice commémoratif, Musée, salle d'exposition
park in the parking lot facing(dealing with) the church. Take the Street of September 3rd, 1944 to the right of the church. The museum is in 50 metres.
®Musée Engrangeons la Mémoire